How to Develop a Cooperative Offering with GSHA for ASHA Continuing Education
- Contact GSHA to determine if your event is eligible for a cooperative agreement.
Note: As an ASHA Approved CE Provider, GSHA can enter into cooperative agreements at our own discretion and will charge your organization an additional fee ($100) for our administrative services.
- Submit an application with GSHA. Our CE Administrator will then contact you to discuss your application for a Cooperative Agreement. We will ensure that you understand roles and responsibilities, deadlines, the necessity for GSHA oversight to ensure compliance, and how fees will be allocated. Your submission is due a minimum of 8 weeks before your event.
- Provide GSHA with the information to meet ASHA requirements (i.e., needs assessment, course agenda, learning outcomes, speaker disclosures). It is important that you meet all deadlines. If materials are late, ASHA will require that the course be appealed; doing so will delay registration, and you may be charged additional fees.
- Submit required materials [PDF] related to your course to GSHA. Provide the required materials related to your course at least six weeks before your event to ensure that GSHA can meet ASHA's required timelines.
- GSHA will arrange payment of cooperative fees to ASHA (see fee schedule). GSHA must submit the course registration materials and cooperative fee(s) to the ASHA CE Registry at the same time of registration.
- Obtain the ASHA CE Brand Block from GSHA. Display the ASHA CE Brand Block and required course information (instructional level and ASHA CEU amount) in your cooperative course’s promotional materials The ASHA CE website outlines all of the requirements for promotional materials.
- Coordinate with GSHA on a mechanism for collecting the required information (ASHA ID number, first name, last name, mailing and email addresses and ASHA CEUs to be awarded) from individuals who successfully complete the course and request to earn ASHA CEUs. GSHA prefers excel spreadsheets. ASHA is no longer accepting "bubble sheets."
- Provide required learner information to GSHA 2 weeks after the event.
Note: GSHA is required by the ASHA Continuing Education Board (CEB) to turn in post course materials no later than 45 days after the course is completed, or financial penalties apply.
Offering ASHA Approved CE Events benefits course participants through:
- Licensure renewal: Licensing agencies with mandatory continuing education requirements accept ASHA CEUs.
- ASHA Certification renewal: ASHA CEUs are accepted toward ASHA's Certification Maintenance Requirements.
- Recognition of CE achievement: Earning ASHA CEUs is the only way to earn the Award for Continuing Education (ACE).
- High quality professional continuing education: Because Providers participate in a review process and meet explicit requirements, participants receive quality professional development activities.
ASHA Certification Maintenance Standards require that all certificate holders (CCC-A and CCC-SLP) must accumulate 30 Certification Maintenance Hours (CMHs) of professional development during each 3-year certification maintenance interval in order to maintain their ASHA Certificates of Clinical Competence (CCC).The ASHA Clinical Certification Standards define professional development as an instructional activity:
- where the certificate holder is the learner.
- that is related to the science or contemporary practice of speech-language pathology, audiology, or the speech/language/hearing sciences.
- that results in the acquisition of new knowledge and skills, or the enhancement of current knowledge and skills necessary for independent practice in any practice setting and area of practice.
- where the certificate holder is responsible for determining that the professional development activity is appropriate, relevant, and meaningful to any practice setting and area of practice.
- in which the certificate holder's attendance can be documented by a third party such as an employer, educational institution, or sponsoring organization.
Your professional development should reflect your selection of acceptable activities and be documented using reporting units called professional development hours (PDHs), formerly certification maintenance hours (CMHs).
ASHA promotes Evidence-Based Practice and using evidence-based information in the planning and development of continuing education offerings. Please reference the Resources for CE Presenters and Planners here and provide this information to your presenters. https://www.asha.org/ce/for-providers/resourcesforpresenters/
Course participants may always track their own time, even if attending an event offered for ASHA CEUs. Participants tracking their own hours should submit their hours at any time during their 3-year window when they accrue the needed hours. More information on Record-Keeping Requirements can be found here: https://www.asha.org/certification/fact_records/
The ASHA CE Registry is the only service that tracks the ASHA CEUs you earn. If ASHA CEUs are requested at the time of course completion, the ASHA Approved CE Provider will report participation records to the ASHA CE Registry. The CE Registry awards ASHA CEUs and lists all the continuing education courses you have taken through ASHA's network of Approved Continuing Education Providers for the years where the applicable fee has been paid. More information on the ASHA CE Registry can be found here: https://www.asha.org/ce/ceus/
